
Showing posts from April, 2021

Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara

Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat (EYD: Suwardi Suryaningrat); from 1922 also known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara (EYD: Ki Hajar Dewantara), which is also written as Ki Hajar Dewantoro to reflect its Javanese sounds (2 May 1889 in Pakualaman – 26 April 1959 in Yogyakarta), was a leading Indonesian independence movement activist, writer, columnist, politician, and pioneer of education for native Indonesians in Dutch colonial times. He founded the Taman Siswa school, an institution that provided education for indigenous commoners, which otherwise was limited to the Javanese aristocracy and the Dutch colonials. Early life Soewardi was born in the Javanese aristocracy, his family belonged to the royal house of Pakualaman. He was one of Prince Paku Alam III's grandsons through his father, GPH Soerjaningrat. Thanks to his family's priyayi (Javanese nobility) background, he was able to access the colonial public education, a luxury that was unattainable by most of common populatio...

Vanity, What is thy price? ✨

A. Vanity Text, What Is Thy Price Narrator: Madame Loise was pretty girl born into poor family. She had no expectation and she felt so trapped by her situation that she married a little clerkin agoverment office. Her tastes were simple because she had never been able to afford any other, but she was as unhappy as though she had married beneath her status; for women have no caste and class, their beauty, grace, and charm serving them for birth or family. She suffered endlessly, feeling herself born every delicacy and luxury. She suffered from the poorness of her house, from its bare walls, worn chairs, and ugly curtains. Scene 1 MONSIEUR LOISEL: Sweetheart, I have a surprise for you. MADAME LOISEL: Really, what is the surprise? MONSIEUR LOISEL: See for yourself. (He place the invitation on the table.) Swiftly she tears open the envelop and draws out a printed car and reads out. “The Minister and Madame Ramponneau request the pleasure of the company of Monsieur and Madame Loi...


Assalamualaikum Akhi And Ukhti, in this blog, I will explain about my hope and dream in the speech text. After reading the Hopes and Dreams speech by Soekarno : Take a moment to think why hopes and dreams are necessary for success in life. It is said that those who do not hope and dream, do nothing in life. Write down why it is so in the comment below! yes I agree and like what is discussed by ir Soekarno, because it has a very deep meaning. if we don't have dreams or hope, we won't be able to do anything in our lives, or our lives will be meaningless. And the way people achieve that dream is different from us or others.  If you were given a chance to give a speech in front of all the presidents and prime ministers of the world, what would you talk about? Discuss in details.record your speech. publish it and the video in you blog! I will talk about my hope or dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. and I will talk about how I can achieve my hope or dream. Spee...