OK... Hey guys! My name is rachmat, I'm a student of Senior High school SMAN 27 Jakarta. The reason i make this blog is to upload my daily task for english lesson.

This is my first task, i've been ordered to create an introduction of myself. So lets get to the main topic.

Just like I said before, my name is Rachmat and my full name is Rachmat Irham Naufal Sigit. At school i've been called Rachmat, Mamat, or Rinso —Rinso is my initial name, Fun fact about my initial name is RINSO is a detergent—.

I live at the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. I like to cook some Cuisine and draw some anime characters (Yeah... I'm a weebs.)

That's one of my drawing of female anime character, is it cool or not?

I guess that's all about me for now. Next, let get to the second topic.

About this blog. Yeah... Like i said before, i made this blog for upload my daily English task. The logo of this blog was made by my friend, his name is Bimo —If you want to make a logo you can DM his Instagram @bimosetyo.n—

The meaning of sentence at this logo is “The weak are meat; the strong eat.”
That means, “Survival of the fittest” — I like eating meat so this was always going to appeal to me, and it rhymes.

Ok that's it! I've already said everything —not everything i think— about myself and this blog. Don't forget to subscribe this blog ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ.



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